196 research outputs found

    Análisis de la frecuencia de uso del ABP en centros de Educación Secundaria y estudio de algunas variables influyentes

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    El Aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) ha ido ganando reconocimiento en el actual sistema educativo, especialmente para quienes han dado el paso hacia un enfoque de la educación basado en la colaboración y la interacción con la realidad. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar si el Aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) se emplea de manera frecuente en los centros educativos de nuestro país, desde el punto de vista de los estudiante en prácticas, en el Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA). Para llevarlo a cabo, se ha empleado un cuestionario que se ha aplicado a una muestra no estratificada de 165 estudiantes durante el primer semestre del curso académico 2019-2020. Entre los resultados principales destacamos, de manera general, que el ABP no está suficientemente implementado en las instituciones educativas de educación secundaria de toda España. Los análisis inferenciales muestran diferencias significativas en función de la especialidad cursada en el máster (p= 0,001), siendo los estudiantes de Lengua extranjera y Geografía e Historia los que más observan el ABP en sus centros que los de Matemáticas.2020-2

    Uso de la Gamificación como metodología activa en la Educación secundaria española durante la pandemia por COVID-19

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    El empleo de metodologías activas es un elemento clave en la innovación educativa que ha sido evaluado por el Observatorio de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Universidad Abierta) desde su creación. Entre estas metodologías activas destaca la gamificación, tanto por su potencial como por su interés mediático. La investigación en educación ha aportado claridad en cuanto a sus características y elementos esenciales, destacando sus posibilidades y ventajas como elemento dinamizador de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer un análisis cuantitativo del porcentaje de uso de la gamificación en el primer semestre del curso 2020-2021 en la educación secundaria española, e identificar las variables que influyen en su uso e implementación. Para ello, se ha empleado un muestreo no estratificado a través de cuestionarios que ha permitido analizar el uso de la gamificación en 177 aulas de secundaria y bachillerato. En general, los datos recogidos y analizados en este estudio sugieren que la gamificación es una metodología en auge tras la situación excepcional de confinamiento, aunque se utiliza como metodología de apoyo y su implantación en las instituciones de educación secundaria españolas no está suficientemente consolidada. Además, variables tipo como escuela, especialidad, años de experiencia docente y formación pedagógica constituyen valores significativos a la hora de implementar la metodología.Observatorio de la Innovación Educativa2021-2

    Single cell clonal analysis identifies an AID-dependent pathway of plasma cell differentiation.

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    Germinal centers (GC) are microstructures where B cells that have been activated by antigen can improve the affinity of their B cell receptors and differentiate into memory B cells (MBCs) or antibody-secreting plasma cells. Here, we have addressed the role of activation-induced deaminase (AID), which initiates somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination, in the terminal differentiation of GC B cells. By combining single cell transcriptome and immunoglobulin clonal analysis in a mouse model that traces AID-experienced cells, we have identified a novel subset of late-prePB cells (L-prePB), which shares the strongest clonal relationships with plasmablasts (PBs). Mice lacking AID have various alterations in the size and expression profiles of transcriptional clusters. We find that AID deficiency leads to a reduced proportion of L-prePB cells and severely impairs transitions between the L-prePB and the PB subsets. Thus, AID shapes the differentiation fate of GC B cells by enabling PB generation from a prePB state.We thank all the members of the B lymphocyte Biology lab for helpful suggestions, Ana Rodriguez-Ronchel for the elaboration of the graphical abstract, Sonia Mur for technical assistance, Virginia G de Yebenes for critical reading of our manuscript, Julia Merkenschlager, Carlos Torroja, and Enrique Vazquez for their advice on single cell sequencing and analysis, the CNIC Flow Cytometry for assistance on cell analysis and separation and the CNIC Genomics Unit for single cell sequencing. We also thank Sergio Roa, Alicia G Arroyo, Salvador Iborra, and David Sancho for kindly sharing mouse lines and reagents with us. CG-E is supported by a fellowship awarded by La Caixa Espana in ~ 2017 and ASN is an FPI Severo Ochoa fellow (PRE2018-083475). AB, FS-C, and ARR are supported by CNIC. This project was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Econom ıa, Industria y Competitividad (SAF2016-75511-R), the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci on (PID2019-106773RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033) and the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code HR17-00247 to ARR. FS-C is supported by the project RT2018-102084-B-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/5011000110033/ and by FEDER Una Manera de hacer Europa and by Ayuda EQC2021-007294-P financed by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN), and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033.S

    Abdominal adiposity increases lordosis and doubles the risk of low back pain

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    Vertebral disorders have significant health and economic impacts, and due to aging and current lifestyle habits, there is a trend toward their increase. Obesity and the alignment of vertebral curvatures can be associated with back pain. Objective: This study aims to analyze whether general and abdominal obesity are associated with cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebral pain as well as increased or decreased values of cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebral curvatures. Methodology: Body composition, degree of vertebral curvature, and the perception of cervical, dorsal, and lumbar pain were evaluated in a study population of 301 people (>18 years old). Linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of several variables of body composition on vertebral angles and cervical, dorsal, and lumbar pain. Results: Lumbar pain was the most prevalent (66.1%), mainly affecting women (70.9%). They were also shown to have greater lumbar angles (p < 0.001). The degrees of lumbar curvature increased, as did the BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-height ratio. Cervical and dorsal curvatures were increased by all the variables of adiposity and abdominal adiposity. It was found that people with abdominal obesity carried twice the risk of lower back pain than those without abdominal obesity (OR = 2.172, p < 0.05). In addition, an increased lumbar angle was related to an increased risk of low back pain (OR = 1.031, p < 0.05). Cervical pain, on the other hand, was associated with the waist-height index (OR = 0.948, p <0.01). Conclusions: This study shows that increased lumbar curvature and abdominal obesity may be risk factors for lower back pain. In addition, it shows an association between the amount of body and abdominal fat in relation to the degree of curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane. Investigating the effect of obesity on vertebral morphology and musculoskeletal disorders makes it possible to prescribe interventions and therapeutic strategie

    Foot Anatomical Structural Variations Increase the Risk of Falls in Older Adults

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    Falls are common among older adults. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the relationship between foot anatomical structural variations and balance in older adults and quantify foot posture and stabilometry as predictors of fall risk. This case-control study of older adults classified cases or controls according to falls in the last five years. All subjects were healthy women and men > 65 years old (n = 164), who were divided into two groups: 83 individuals who had suffered from a fall in the previous five years (case group) and 81 individuals who had not suffered from a fall (control group). Hallux abductus valgus (HAV) and tailor’s bunion are stability-determining factors. Women have a higher probability of falling. HAV (p = 0.042) and tailor’s bunion (p = 0.069) also increased the fall probability. Morphological foot variations (HAV and tailor’s bunion) linked to gender and age increase fall risk among older adults. In women fallers with HAV, there was a higher possibility of falling (63.9%). According to age, in older adults with HAV, the percentage of falls is high (62%). Fallers with tailor’s bunion (60.7%) are more numerous than fallers without this pathology. Older adults with HAV and tailor´s bunion had twice the probability of suffering a fall than older people without foot anatomical structural. Foot morphology is decisive in falling risk

    Eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento en atención en la esquizofrenia : un estudio piloto

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    Attention impairment is a core cognitive deficit in schizophrenia. The aim of the present article was to assess the efficacy of an individualized attention training program, which focuses on selective attention and sustained attention. The sample was formed by 32 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia, assigned to the experimental group or the control group. Attention, social functioning and subjective perception of cognitive deficits were assessed before and after training, and in a six-month follow up. In the post-treatment assessment, the experimental group patients obtained higher scores in attention, and in the isolation factor of the social functioning scale. There were no differences in the subjective perception of deficits. The attention training program proved effective in improving attention capacity as well as in some areas of social functioning; however, there were no changes in the subjective perception of their own deficits.El deterioro en atención se considera uno de los déficits cognitivos esenciales en la esquizofrenia. El presente artículo evalúa la eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento individualizado de la atención, centrado en la atención selectiva y sostenida. La muestra está compuesta por 32 pacientes diagnosticados de esquizofrenia, asignados a un grupo control y un grupo experimental. Se valoró la atención, el funcionamiento social y la percepción subjetiva de déficit cognitivos antes y después del entrenamiento, así como a los 6 meses. En la evaluación post-tratamiento los pacientes del grupo experimental obtuvieron mejores puntuaciones en atención y en el factor aislamiento de la escala de funcionamiento social. No hubo diferencias en la percepción subjetiva de déficit. El programa de entrenamiento se mostró efectivo en la mejora de la capacidad atencional, así como en algunas áreas del funcionamiento social; sin embargo, dichos pacientes no modificaron la percepción subjetiva sobre su propio deterioro.

    Applying a positive behaviour support plan in school context

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    El Plan de Apoyo Conductual Positivo es una práctica basada en la evidencia que tras mostrar su eficacia para tratar conductas desafiantes en el ámbito de la discapacidad se está empezando a aplicar con éxito en los colegios de educación regular para responder a las necesidades asociadas a la conducta. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el proceso por el que se empieza a implantar este tipo de intervención proactiva en un Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) mediante un programa de formación de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a once profesores de ese CEIP, y analizar los efectos que el programa tiene sobre la conducta y el clima social de sus aulas. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las puntuaciones obtenidas antes y después del programa en el Test de Alteración de la Conducta en la Escuela (Arias, Ayuso, Gil y González, 2006), la adaptación del Inventario de conductas en clase (Curwin y Mendler, 1983) realizada por Fernández (1998), y una adaptación de la escala para evaluar el clima social del aula (Pérez, Ramos y López, 2009). Se contrastan los resultados con los obtenidos con métodos cualitativos y se describe el proceso por el que el profesorado va transformando sus creencias y comienza a aplicar en su aula las estrategias que conducen a la creación de una escuela positiva.Positive Behavior Support Planning is an evidence based practice which, after showing its efficiency to deal with challenging behaviors in the disability world, is beginning to be applied with success in regular schools to respond to the needs associated with behaviour. The aim of this study is to describe the process through which this kind of proactive intervention is applied in an Infant and Primary Education School (IPES) with a theoretical and practical training directed to eleven teachers of that IPES, and to analyze the effects that the program has on behaviour and classroom social climate. Significant statistical differences were found between the scores obtained before and after applying the program in the Test of Challenging Behaviors in the School (Arias, Ayuso, Gil y González, 2006), the adaptation of the Inventory of behaviors in the Classroom (Curwin y Mendler, 1983) made by Fernández (1998), and an adaptation of a Scate to Evaluate Social Climate in the Classroom (Pérez, Ramos y López, 2009). Results are contrasted with those obtained with qualitative methods, and the process by which teachers keep on changing their beliefs and begin to apply in their classrooms the strategies leading to create a positive school is described

    Clinical Recommendations to Manage Gastrointestinal Adverse Events in Patients Treated with Glp-1 Receptor Agonists: A Multidisciplinary Expert Consensus

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    Gastrointestinal adverse events; Obesity; Type 2 diabetesEsdeveniments adversos gastrointestinals; Obesitat; Diabetis tipus 2Eventos adversos gastrointestinales; Obesidad; Diabetes tipo 2Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) are indicated in type 2 diabetes and obesity for their high efficacy in controlling glycaemia and inducing body weight loss, respectively. Patients may develop gastrointestinal adverse events (GI AEs), namely nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and/or constipation. To minimize their severity and duration, healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients must be aware of appropriate measures to follow while undergoing treatment. An expert panel comprising endocrinologists, nephrologists, primary care physicians, cardiologists, internists and diabetes nurse educators convened across virtual meetings to reach a consensus regarding these compelling recommendations. Firstly, specific guidelines are provided about how to reach the maintenance dose and how to proceed if GI AEs develop during dose-escalation. Secondly, specific directions are set about how to avoid/minimize nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and constipation symptoms. Clinical scenarios representing common situations in daily practice, and infographics useful to guide both HCPs and patients, are included. These recommendations may prevent people with T2D and/or obesity from withdrawing from GLP-1 RAs treatment, thus benefitting from their superior effect on glycaemic control and weight loss.This work has been funded by Novo-Nordisk

    Motivation, optimism and self-concept in sports

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    Tres constructos psicológicos como son autoconcepto físico, optimismo y motivación podrían estar más relacionados en el ámbito del deporte de lo que parece a priori. El objeto de este estudio es analizar cómo se relacionan estas variables. Se espera que se revelen algunas correlaciones positivas entre los distintos constructos y su relación con ambos géneros. Para ver la relación entre las tres variables se contó con una muestra de 113 participantes (51 mujeres y 62 hombres), de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 60 años. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron la relación entre autoconcepto físico y optimismo, y optimismo y motivación sin diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Sin embargo también se ha encontrado una relación negativa entre autoconcepto y motivación, contraria a lo que cabría esperar. Tres constructos psicológicos como son autoconcepto físico, optimismo y motivación podrían estar más relacionados en el ámbito del deporte de lo que parece a priori.Three psychological constructs such as the physical self, optimism and motivation may be more related to the field of sport than it seems a priori. The purpose of this study is to analyze how these variables are related. It is expected that some positive correlations between constructs and their relationship with both genders are revealed. To see the relationship between the three variables had a sample of 113 participants (51 women and 62 men), aged between 18 and 60. The results showed the relationship between physical self and optimism, and optimism and motivation no difference between men and women. However it has also found a negative relationship between self -concept and motivation, contrary to what one would expect.ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada